Wednesday, July 04, 2012

I Love Line App!

So I've decided to share some of the apps that I like. This time, I'd like to share about this messaging app - Line!

Now, let's step back a bit. Before Line came up, another app has already made waves for smartphone users. Yes, the unmistakeable Whatsapp!

Never would I imagine another app competing with it.. for how much further can the scene go from free messaging?

Ah, but that's the power of creativity and technology!

So there comes Line, initially a new player - but now boasts of over 45 million users! (and ranks as the top free app in 16 countries!!).

At first, I didn't even download the app (for yea, I was already using whatsapp). But when non smartphone friends (eg iPad/ iPod users) asked to chat via Line, that set me going to the App Store.

Now for starters, Line look very alike Whatsapp. That's the primary usage of it anyway - instant messaging. You can text friends and share pics, videos and also your location.

However there are a few differences. The main one is that Line allows for free calls (via wifi or 3G). Yea so move away Viber! :)

Also Line do not require you to have a SIM card to chat, unlike Whatsapp. That means you can use Line with any smart device like the iPad, iPod or any tablets. Even via your desktop too.

But the more prominent difference - and the reason I like Line is undoubtedly the stickers!!

Yes Line comes with some really cute stickers. Now this is kinda new to me before I used Line. You know how some people types very cool emoticons to express themselves online?

Well, this does the same. There's basically a sticker for every emotion and lots of situation that we'd like to share.

So now, there's no need to write longish words. Instead just 'paste a sticker' - a cute one that is!

There are a few different characters for each sticker - like the rabbit (called Cony), the near human like - moon (called.. Moon!), the human character James and a whole lot more!

Well my favorite one is the bear stickers.. who is simply called - Brown.

These are free stickers.. but to get more different characters, one can actually buy them. And I must admit, I succumbed to that too (blame my friends influence on that! Haha!).

Yes, I got the Ken Zzang fox stickers! Some of my friends thought its a cat, some a dog! But no, its a (cute) fox!!

So now, if you Line me, you'd see me pasting the fox in our conversations!

Well at least for now.. till probably I get another set of stickers - and I've got my eyes set on Panda Dog! :)

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