Sunday, December 01, 2013

My Virgin Experience In Cosplay (Anime Festival Asia 2013)

Cosplay. Now what's that again? 

Some of you will be (very) familiar with it. But not really me, though I know it's some sort of "costume" thing. 

"Blame" that on my childhood. For I hardly played much video games in school - prefer the books and a lil bit on being a scout. The only games I played is probably Street Fighter (my favourite), Sonic, Super Mario and Prince Of Persia. All these before I became somewhat more studios :P

Anyway, with my recent Youtube video being more "cosplay-ish".. my friend persuaded me to attend the Anime Festival Asia 2013 in Singapore recently. 

Iron Man, and me! Hehe

And so I was in Singapore for the event. And you can say, I was awed by it. People really took time to dress up in their costumes (to which I found out takes time to make, and even costs a bomb!). All these for a dress-up session. 

Well, I guess, let the pictures speak for itself. Here are some of the characters I've seen, and caught my eyes! 

Love this girl. She surely pulled this off!

Super awesome team!

Naruto, the very few characters that I know :P

Thor, awwww.
Btw, I also did a video on this event.. plus adding a bit of fun to it, I added a Merlion's wife into the video.. tadaa....!!

"Merlion's wife"... really!

Well, enjoy the video! :D


  1. Good that you finally visited a cosplay bro. :p

  2. I think the skinned man revealing the muscles is scary. LOL :D

  3. Everyone's pretty good this time around. Luckily decided not to embarassed myself. Lol.


Oh hey, thank you for commenting! :)