It's been quite a while since I watched a Malay movie. But today, it's an exception. Fellow friends are involved in producing this movie - Istanbul Aku Datang! (Istanbul, Here I Come!), and I've been (one lucky guy to be) invited for their gala premiere night.
Now, what do I know about Malay films? Not much ever since I went overseas to study. Of course, there were the occasional movies I watched like Puteri Gunung Ledang or some films from KRU.
But apart from that, I would be rather clueless. Yes, clueless would be the word if you'd ask me to watch a Malay movie. For I don't know what to expect having 'lost touch' with the industry a bit.
But then again, it's a lil different for this movie - and I'm not as
clueless. Partly because I've seen the works of the team behind this movie (Red Films) - and their works are pretty neat/ good. Plus, look at that poster that greeted us at the event earlier - I knew it will be something awesome.
Lisa Surihani, amongst Malaysia's most popular actress at the moment |
And true enough, the movie is. In a one liner synopsis - Istanbul Akan Datang is a good urban romantic movie - set in.. Istanbul.
Now, I'm always on for cool romantic movies - those that are chirpy & fun. And that's all here in this movie. For those who thinks Malay movies are more sombre and conservative, well, this movie will 'shock' you.
Beto Kusyiary, an accomplished actor with quite a string of movies under his name. |
I love the fact that this movie is trendy, and that shows both in the story line and language. It has good mix of Malay and also (superb) English dialogues by the casts.
Owh, and the fact that they potrayed Istanbul as this romantic city.. ahh, that's another plus point too. For I have always believed in using the media (eg videos, movies) to promote tourism. And they did it quite alright here. Though I would have preferred if there were even more romantic spots of the city.
Tomok - popular singer, and now actor. His song for the main theme is superb too! |
The storyline is not cliche. It has its twists, though not overly drama. This suits the overall feel of such a romantic comedy movie. The casts (Lisa Surihani, Tomok, Beto Kusyairy, Aizat, Farid Ramlee, and gang) are superb, and acted their roles well. Partly, this is due to the fact that they have had intensive classes & lessons before flying to Turkey.
And of course credits to be given to the director - Bernard Chauly. I've so far only watched 1 of his films/ TV series - Goodbye Boys, but I've heard of him and the Gol & Gincu series he directed. He has the touch to direct shows for the urbanites, and does it again (very well) here.
Most of all I admire the scriptwriter - Rafidah Abdullah for coming up with such a wonderful story. And to know how to combine fun, comedy, romance.. in a film, and at the same time promote tourism.
In all, a wonderful "mesti tonton" (must watch) film to those who love such genres movie, doesn't matter your language. Thumbs up!
For those keen to catch the stars, here's the good news - they have a road tour! |
*I can't help but to add that - I feel some connection of the
Summer Love series we've produced and this movie, in some ways (think promoting tourism through videos) :)
*Fans who wanna get connected - they have a Facebook fanpage too:
Istanbul Aku Datang.