Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Read All In One (Using RSS)

Some of you most likely love to blog hop & newspaper hop eh? How do u remember all those many sites you like?

I remember there's Google Reader, something you can use to bring all the RSS into one place - without having to then remember the urls no more (on a side note, I used to do that last time too before I got overload with workload & online information).

Anyway, locally, there's a new player with similar functions - iTalkWhoa. Already a system to make calls, iTalkWhoa has this additional feature so that yeah, your favourite site's RSS feeds (just think of it as news feeds) can go directly to this account of yours.

So goodbye clunky long urls or the many urls one needs to remember..

Now, will u use it? I'd say why not - if ur an internet info junkie, and if you already use iTalkWhoa! :)

*Now if ur keen to using this, here's a step by step on how to configure RSS feeds on your iTalk Whoa’s account:
1. Select the RSS Feeds under Mail panel and click on New Group to create a new category/group
2. Pop up box [RSSFeed Category Name] will appear and please input any name for the new group –
example News
3. Then click on button [Add]
4. To input any info on News category, just search for RSS News site/ blog site that interest you.
In the example, the feeds gather from non other than yours truly. ehem!

i. Select the RSS Feeds under Mail panel and click on New Group to create a new category/group
ii. Pop up box [RSSFeed Category Name] will appear and please input any name for the new group –
say, Favourite Blogs
iii. Then click on button [Add]
iv. To input any info on this category, just search for RSS from the blogs u like/ read often.
v. For example, see the RSS icon on top right of my blog

rss logo
vi. Just right click on the RSS icon and select ‘Copy Link Location’.
vii. Go back to your iTalk Whoa’s account and highlight the Favourite Blogs icon, input ‘QuaChee's Blog’ under ‘Feed
Description’ and paste the url copied previously.
ix. My blog RSS url will appear and click ‘Add New’ button and all my blog RSS will appear!


  1. Oh, cool! I didn't know what RSS Feed was all about until I've read your blog! xP

    Thanks for sharing the superb informational info, QuaChee! should share more so that I'll learn more. ^^

    Now, I'm gonna utilize the RSS Feed to the fullest - starting with your blog~ Hehehe.... :D

  2. I still believe in visiting the blog itself. :D


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